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Atomic Structure

As you know!!

Atom means indivisible

Atom was considered as the smallest indivisible particle of the matter.

According to Dalton’s Atomic Theory, an atom is smallest indivisible particle of the matter. But later researcher have proved that atom is no longer consider as indivisible. It has been divided into so many other particles(more than 100 sub-atomic particles).

Fundamental particles are electrons, protons and neutrons. This idea has been taken from the results of several experiments. The most important are discuss in below notes:

Atomic Structure Online Notes are available ,List of topics is given below:

Passage of Electricity through Gases at Low Pressure

Charge to Mass Ratio (e/m ratio) of Cathode 

Charge on Electron | How charge on an electron is calculated 

Canal Rays Discovery ,Experiment and Properties |Proton Discovery 

Discovery of Neutron- How the neutron was discovered?

Radioactivity – Definition , Discovery, Types and Facts

Rutherford Atomic Model- Alpha Scattering Experiment

Properties of Waves | Wave Length ,Frequency , Wave Number

Plank’s Quantum Theory of Radiations

Spectrum Chemistry |Continuous Spectrum vs Line spectrum

Bohr Model of Atom

How to Calculate the Radius of an Orbit – Application of Bohr’s Model

How to Calculate Energy of an Orbit – Application of Bohr’s Model

Determine the Frequency of Radiations emitted- Bohr’s Model Application

Calculate the Wave length and Wave Number of Radiations emitted

Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom

How X-rays are produced| X-rays Discovery Properties, Uses and Types

X-rays: Transitions involving inner-shell electrons

Moseley Experiment and Moseley’s Law : Statement and Mathematical Expression

Broglie’s Hypothesis: Dual nature of radiations

Broglie’s Hypothesis Applications – Dual nature of Radiations

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle 

Schrodinger Equation

Quantum Numbers Class 11 Chemistry Notes

What ate the |Shapes of s, p and d-orbitals

Electronic Configuration Rules